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You deserve a cookie! Well how about a sticker instead. Show this screen to a server who will get you a sticker as a thank you.
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we want to
hear from you

We appreciate you taking the time to give us feedback on how we're doing!

Please complete the following questions, and show your submission acknowledgement to a server who will get you a sticker as a thank you.

If you'd like to enter the monthly drawing for $100 of merchandise, please add your email at the end of the survey.


how likely are you to recommend Reuben's
to a friend?
How would you rate the service you received at the taproom today?
how would you rate our beer & other beverages?
how would you rate our food (if you ordered any)?
please include any additional feedback below.
Question 1 of 5

    Add your email address to qualify for the monthly prize drawing:

    *this is optional

    0Not at All Likely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Extremely Likely
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