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May 31, 2022

Sightglass Seminar with Author Jeff Alworth

Explore the World Through the Lens of Beer

Taste your way through five samples of beers with origins from across the globe while learning about their historical precedents in a Sightglass Seminar with author Jeff Alworth. Named for the literal window into a beer as it is crafted, our Sightglass Seminar series offers a metaphorical window into beer to help deepen your appreciation of it.

Based in Portland, Oregon, Jeff Alworth is an award-winning beer writer and founder of the Beervana blog and podcast. The second edition of his book The Beer Bible provides in-depth profiles of more than 100 beer styles based on research spanning over 28,000 miles, 12 countries, and 100 breweries. It also covers the influences of geography and history, little-known lore and amusing anecdotes, and so much more.

As Jeff will explain, the way people think about and brew beer tends to become an expression of local culture. Consequently, the beer that emerges from these places bears strong resemblance across styles from that region, and has key features not found elsewhere. Join us at the Barrel House from 7 –9 p.m. on May 31 to explore a myriad of styles and better understand the history of how certain beers developed when and where they did. Members of our brewing team will describe each beer, comparing and contrasting our process with that of the traditional style.


One ticket provides access to the seminar, samples of five different beers, and the chance to have a copy of The Beer Bible: Second Edition autographed by the author. For an additional fee, we’ll include a signed copy of the book in the ticket price. Must be 21+ to purchase. Please email with any questions.

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