When we started bottling last April, we wanted to switch up the brews seasonally to keep things interesting and give those who can’t get to the brewery an opportunity to try more of our beer. In keeping with that plan, three new varieties of our award-winning beer will hit store shelves every three months through 2014.
Here’s the seasonal plan for 2014:
Spring (February – April) – Porter, American Brown, Imperial Oatmeal Stout
Summer (May – July) – Cream Ale, Wheat IPA, Imperial Rye IPA
Fall (August – October) – Red, Roggenbier, Black Imperial IPA
Winter (November – January) – Robust Porter, Roasted Rye, Imperial IPA
Our bottles are available at specialty beer stores and select grocery stores around western Washington, including Whole Foods Market, PCC, and Metropolitan Market. For a full list of stores you can find out bottles in see the “Find Our Brews” page on the website. We also have them available in the taproom, of course!
Cheers, and here’s to a great beer year!